They booked the enviable spot ahead of Oguaa Senior High and Technical School and Nasaba Presby SHS, Obiri Yeboah and Methodist SHS.
Posted by Brooks Morgan on Wed 28 September, 2022 - Education
We provide you with accurate stories
Posted by Brooks Morgan on Wed 28 September, 2022 - Education
Apam Senior High has opened the qualification gates for the Central region in a stunning performance Thursday morning.
They booked the enviable spot ahead of Oguaa Senior High and Technical School and Nasaba Presby SHS, Obiri Yeboah and Methodist SHS.
Cape Coast:
End of ContestApam SHS: 35pts
Oguaa SHTS; 31pts
Nsaba Presby SHS: 28pts
Obiri Yeboah: 21pts
Methodist SHS: 13ptsCongrats Apam SHS! #NSMQ2019Regionals #NSMQ201
— NSMQ Ghana (@NSMQGhana) 7 March 2019
The only time the Apam-based school faced some threat was in the dying moments of the contest where Oguaa SHTS closed the gap between them to four points.
There were, however, not enough questions left to snatch the victory from Apam High who finished it off with 35 points.
They were trampled upon by Tamale SHS and Achimota School in that one-eighth contest which saw the two over dogs deciding the winner a tie-breaker.
For now, they are safe as the refreshed 35 point tally is enough to book a bus ticket to University of Ghana in June.
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Robert C.
5 days ago - ReplyEtiam sapien sem magna at vitae pulvinar congue augue egestas pretium neque id viverra suscipit egestas magna porta ratione, mollis risus lectus porta rutrum arcu aenean primis in augue luctus efficitur ipsum primis in cubilia laoreet augue egestas luctus donec diam neque
David Smith
6 days ago - ReplyEtiam sapien sem magna at vitae pulvinar congue augue egestas pretium neque id viverra suscipit porta ratione, mollis risus lectus porta aliquet lorem and purus mollis
Becky Reed
13 days ago - ReplyPorta ratione, mollis risus lectus porta rutrum arcu aenean primis in augue luctus neque purus ipsum neque dolor primis libero tempus, tempor posuere ligula varius impedit enim tempor vitae and pulvinar congue augue egestas. Praesent aliquet lorem purus, quis mollis laoreet vitae tortor
Rady Smith
42 days ago - ReplyEtiam sapien sem magna at vitae pulvinar congue augue egestas pretium neque id viverra suscipit egestas magna porta ratione, mollis risus lectus porta rutrum arcu aenean primis in augue auctor efficitur ipsum primis in cubilia laoreet augue egestas luctus donec diam integer congue